Post-Event Wrap-Up

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Post-Event Wrap-Up

After your event, be sure to create a brief wrap up of the event’s success for your sponsors and the host community. Use this report to summarize all the value/ return they saw from their involvement in the event. In other words, proactively demonstrate that you delivered (or hopefully over-delivered) on everything you promised in your sponsorship agreement.

This is where having photos from your event will be really useful. Use images to illustrate:

  • Sponsor deliverables (course signage, finish line logos, expo tents, etc)
  • Crowds
  • Race Action
  • Any shots that sell the event and the venue

Also include information about impressions:

  • On-site attendance/spectators
  • On-site participation
  • Social Media Metrics
  • Earned Media
  • Paid Media
  • Copies of any collateral materials and information about their distribution
  • Digital Reach (livestream, FB live, YouTube, etc.), include clips, if possible
Return On Investment
Make It a Win-Win